SKI Gold Stock Prediction

presented by Jeffrey Kern, Ph.D.

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The following testimonials are true unsolicited communications from readers who have all provided their written consent for reprinting them in somewhat abbreviated form. Please read them, as they provide a better flavor of SKI than I can write/describe. Such feedback is an uplifting reward for me. I encourage you to communicate positive, constructive, and negative feedback to me (along with questions) — Jeff
I've told many of my friends since the Fall of 08 that “if this was the Olympics I would give Jeff the gold medal.” I must admit that I had my doubts during fall/winter 07 - 08. Thank you very much for your service.

Tim Rowland
Dr. Kern, Thanks for trying to make some sense out of these seemingly unpredictable markets. You are truly a teacher at heart. I've been following your posts for the last 7 years and am truly amazed how your system can continually call major turning points. Thanks again.
Joe Ferrazzano
You're the only market timer I read regularly because your work and system/research are outstanding. Ciao.
Nick Laird
What can I say but - YIHAA!!!!!! That this formation was posted weeks before the move validates SKI’s system to the max!!! I as a chartmaster am in awe.
Cindy M.
I have followed Jeff - VERY SUCCESSFULLY over the past 4-5yrs with his "USERX SKI PATTERNS". Although I myself do not understand the full "dynamics" of it - I DO KNOW THAT IT WORKS !! In a very "unpredictable stock market" - Jeff Kern's system - the SKI SYSTEM - offers one an 'EDGE" on what is about to happen in gold stocks - the world over. Bottom line - if SKI INDICES SAY BUY OR SELL - DO IT !! - HE INDICATES THE PROBABILITIES OF BEING RIGHT TO THE DAY !!! ( ISN'T IT WONDERFUL TO KNOW WHAT STOCKS ARE GOING TO RISE TOMORROW AND YOU GET TO BUY THEM TODAY !!!! )
Hi Jeff, This comes from a person (ME) who has spent thousands of hours charting. I can honestly say that your system is amazingly accurate. I have been about 80-85% accurate on my very short-term calls using Fibonacci retracement, candles, and various other tools. Yet, I have taken plenty of abuse over the years. I can tell you NO one can appreciate your work more than I do ... Congratulations and thanks Jeff for your masterful system and many thanks from a fellow technician!!
There is no doubt that you are the best market timer in the world, at least that's my opinion.
Hi Dr. Kern, "Discovering" your newsletter was the best thing that could have happened to my family. The government research grant I hold wouldn't go far beyond housing and feeding my kids. I was able to continue my studies thanks to the profits I have generated through your system. Prior to following SKI, my investment record was, honestly, abysmal. I followed your system for 18 months before I started trading real money. I use your system in a very risky way. Trading options on the HUI, Goldcorp and Newmont. You mentioned one time that you don't like trading options. But I think that your system is ideal for options because your recommendations give not only price but also a time frame. Could I ask for anything more? I have lost and made small amounts of money until September. Then that double buy netted me the equivalent of 3 years salary. Talk about singing in the car! I made more on the subsequent drop. Sure the last trade hurts as hell but how can I complain? Regards to you and your family.
I can't tell you how much I enjoy your regular "SKI" essays... one can take your words absolutely at face value. At stake for you are pride and your reputation, and those are obviously important to you (as they should be). And of course your readers know that you trade your own money, which provides more credibility. What I enjoy the most about your writing--other than the raw information, of course--is the emotional voyage it chronicles. It is interesting, and instructive, to see you turn from ChickenSKI to LionSKI, and back again, over and over. Every serious trader knows these feelings. Best regards.
W. L.
Jeff - I've read every one of your updates since 2001! & I believe the INDICIES! Keep up the good work!!
Peter F.
Jeff, I have been reading your updates since July of 2002 and have been very impressed with the accuracy of your statements. I sold half of my Gold Stocks on 4.12.04. and the other half on 4.29.04. My only regret is that I did not sell all on 4.12. However, if you had not sent out that e-mail alert I would probably still be fully invested, and wondering when the bleeding will stop. Thank you a thousand times. Along with Richard Russell, you are the only other writer that I follow. Regards.
Your system is wonderful and got me out of more than 100 PM juniors form Dec 2003- March 2004 and preserved more than $160,000 in profits. Thank you!!
Jim, Retired Prof. of Economics
Mr. Kern, I would like to personally thank you for your excellent and tireless analysis of the gold stock market. I am one of the grateful ones that took your advice and took my profits off the table when you issued the timely triple sell many months ago. I didn't want to, but I took your contrarian advice reluctantly. Even though I have been frustrated by the long drawn out cyclical bear market for gold stocks I have waited until your buy confirmation this week to get back in with my speculative funds. I have become almost totally dependent upon technical analysis like yours as I find it almost impossible to wade through the fundamental garbage that the New York and Washington yahoos are constantly spewing. Thanks for your excellent service. I really look forward to hearing from you.
Hello Jeffrey, Thank you for this SKI Update, indeed for all SKI Updates. Your work is truly exceptional, much appreciated and most helpful to my investment decision making.
I admire your style and approach. I thought since something nice had to be said, it should be said. So, having done that, I feel good. Keep up the good work, and that understanding the human behaviour is the key thing to get a handle on... and you seem to have done just that. Congrats.
Gary D.
Jeff, Actually, your timing and research is an act of brilliance... believe in all the hours you have dedicated to the Ski.
Gary F.
Are you Great- or what!!!!!!!??????? Ski, Congrats!! Another great call!!!! Truly amazing! Your calls are fantastic --- I've never seen anything like your accuracy to the very day! You are absolutely the greatest gold timer of all time! Thanks again for your most excellent insight.
Jeff (or Dr. Kern, as you prefer), You da man! I've been following all these gold gurus for 3 yrs now and I am also 100% invested. And I'm happy to say that I did not sell largely because I believe in you. There are so many pretentious financial advisers out there; you are truly unique because you hide nothing, you bear your soul, and that is why we respect you, we're rooting for you to win, we relate to you and we really, really like you. We'd love to have you over for dinner and talk about anything other than gold.
Been reading your reports for about a year and think your stuff is awesome!
Dear Sir Jeff, Don't compare SKI with Elliott and Gann! You are a lot better. I have done both of them extensively and the number of rules and possible interpretations, not speaking about lack of making money, is mind boggling. I'm using SKI for Gold. I have virtually eliminated all gold writers except for SKI... Can't believe how SKI can track the DNA of a market like this. I hope that one day I have enough influence to recommend you for the Queen's Birthday List.
Joseph M.
Ski bought a few months back at a top BUT ski also sold not too far below... it is extremely rare that a gold advisor admits an error. So keep up the great ski system and thank you.
Jeffrey, thank you once again for spending your valuable time sharing Your many years of experience in the gold market! I've been following and learning from you over the years! Let me know if you're ever in... !
Dear Mr. Kern: You have saved me some big money a few times when my gut along with your warnings of GET OUT NOW! led me to sell when I might have otherwise stayed in or bought more. Preventing big loses or saving some gains to fight another day is just as important to me as making the big killing every once in a while. Your system is complex and isn't perfect and never will be. If it were we would all be richer than Bill Gates. But it does provide valuable information which I and I'm sure many people gratefully incorporate into our decisions when we buy, sell, or hold. Anyway, THANK YOU for all your hard work and your writings. I will always look forward to reading your index/market analysis and your life's little anecdotes when you include them.
Kam S.
Jeff: I would be honored if you used any of my words of appreciation, in any or all of my emails to you :)) I hereby give you full permission to use my words wherever/however you see fit for SKI marketing purposes. I am very excited about the web site! Getting regular updates and analysis from you will be so helpful! "The children's annual exodus from our home to shape their own lives reinforces the understanding that money buys some control and stress-reduction, but it doesn't generate happiness. Happiness is correlated with caring interpersonal relationships."--What a wonderful gem at the end of a piece on gold stocks, Jeff! Your warm and engaging personality comes through every time I read your SKI predictions, and this time was no different. All the best to you and your sons.
Tom R.
Hi Jeff --I avoid writing because I know you're swamped with mail. But once in a while I feel I MUST say THANKS for your incredible work, and your dedication and generosity. You’ve certainly helped me make money. THANKS!
Sandra and Saul
Dear Dr. Kern, Sandra and I are truly inspired by your continued courage and willingness to uncover yourself to yourself and your readers. Thank you.
Jeff: I'm looking forward to receiving your email anticipations of SKI direction. I congratulate you on your methodology: in the two years that I've been reading the "predictions" of various gold experts, including the costly newsletters of some, your system has proven itself meticulously correct. I enjoy your enthusiastic and sometimes lyrical style as well. Long life.
Jeff, Good call, you nailed it to the day...again. That is some crazy voodoo u got going on. Does it ever amaze you how accurate your model is, and have you ever asked yourself why it works so well? Great sell calls. Uncanny. You are indeed a freak!
Jeff, Thank you very much for all the work that you do and share with us. Before I discovered your system, I scoffed at technical analysis as voodoo nonsense, laughing at the "rising triangles" and "shoulder formations" people raved about. But your work is on a whole new level and the track record has been simply incredible so far!
Craig J.
Jeffrey, My mouth is open with amazement, but I still do not know how your system is working its magic. Great job!
Martin F.
Hi Jeff (and SKI partner), Really love your weekly commentary, and am truly awed by the power of the SKI model, as I follow other technical and sentiment indicators for the PM complex as well. Keep up the GREAT work.
Tom D.
Thanks SKI. A scholar and a gentlemen and hey! not without a pleasing sense of humor.
Edward M.
I don’t know why I get mushy when I read your articles. Perhaps it is easy to perceive your honesty and integrity and your untiring desire to see the small investor minimize losses/ max profits while they are swimming with the sharks or dining with cannibals.. Jeff you are my HERO ! :) yes.... you are still my hero....
SKI Gold Stock Prediction UPDATE is the only thing that I never fail to read. I think you did great, and I am sure lots of people appreciate your work.
Dennis S.
Jeff, To let you know I am a fan of yours. You are one of the most honest people I know who is willing to spill his emotions to the world as well as share his knowledge. Because you are so open I can frequently identify with you and know that others go through the same gut wrenching feelings that I do as a trader. I am sure that many male traders think they have to be macho and not reveal their inner feelings. To be able to express yourself as you do helps to be more objective in your decisions; whether they are right or wrong. Too many newsletter writers are not interested in their customers well being and never tell them when to sell. They only tell you they sold last week just before the market went down. Keep up the good work; and thanks.
I've been following you for two years because you and your system have been incredibly accurate. I still have full faith in its validity. You provide an invaluable source of knowledge to us goldbugs. I wish to thank you and look forward to your next writing. If you're Ever in Montreal the drinks are on me!
Warren W.
Jeff, Thanks again for telling it the way it is. You bear your soul to us, we feel your emotions and share your mind. You are a very special guy and we are the richer for your openness and your wisdom. My best to you and thanks for everything whether it's triple buy, sell, or snooze. In short you've got guts, smarts and integrity - My hero...
Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to send the gold stocks plunging with a single alert. Look, in front of that computer, it's Dr. Jeff Kern!
Heidi B.
Hi Jeff, By now I've been reading your articles for a year. Took me a looong time to read them "right" and I still get lost sometimes. But all in all...I'm glad I stuck with you (and Dines). Disappointing that we didn't get that triple buy but what can we do? Maybe in 2005? 2004 was a bummer year for golds but first I saved my $$$'s - because of you- and than I made some $ because of you. Just wanna say THANK YOU for all the work you do (would be lost without you but I got Dines too but your signals come in sooner!) and now I want to wish you A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A GOLD LOADED NEW YEAR. Looking forward to EVERY article you write
Jeff: Thank you again for the umpteenth time. Do you know that out of ALL Gold analysts, advisors, newsletters, and "experts" .... reading the SKI updates is the ONLY thing which has actually resulted in my MAKING money this past year??? I thought you should know this, because you were despondent in your last emailing about having your credibility at stake. Let me assure you, you are the ONLY credible person in the gold analysis business for me personally. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I appreciate your analysis. You are just plain brilliant, end of discussion.
Noel M.
Dear Jeff, Many thanks for your postings of the last few years. Whether you are right or wrong is immaterial to me. Your methodology is well worked and back tested. More importantly, you have not had an annual loss in 10 years. Paramount above all else is integrity and sincerity, which I value highly in a human being, and yours in unquestionable. Sincerely yours from Northern Ireland.
Hello Dr. Kern, I just want to send a note to thank you so much for taking the time writing a detailed SKI Update and sending to readers. I've followed your advice that you outlined in your update and confidently bought gold stocks on Tuesday at the closing (which was an up close day). They've moved up 5%-8% in 2 days. Your SKI System is great and so accurate. We really appreciate your help.
Dear Jeff, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this incredible piece. You are a truly wonderful, kind and sensitive human being, and I have been moved enormously by your words. Thank you for everything you do, Jeff. More importantly, thank you for being the person you are. The world would be a much better place if everyone stood in their integrity the way you do. The offers stand eternally!
Francois T. MD
Dr. Kern, First off, congratulations for developing such a complex but robust system as the SKI. Being in the process of trying to develop a trading system myself, I fully appreciate how difficult it is to do so. I freely admit feeling a tinge of envy mixed with a good dose of happiness for a fellow trader who got a good and dependable system. You also do have the discipline to stick to it. This is really not easy, as more than one trader has been obliterated by an ego that wouldn't accept a signal generated by the very system that made them successful to begin with. Moreover, you are willing to share the rationale and the signals it generates, no matter how "crazy" they sound. This is a very rare quality, and I beg you to understand that at least one reader out there is a big fan of yours for that. So, why did I titled this email with "Thank you"? Because I was able to, in turn profit, and then save myself a lot of aggravation with your alerts. Sharing with us the rationale of the SKI system enabled me to have confidence that SKI is a valid and robust system and thus, act on it. My only regret is not having shorted the triple sell, but this would have created some, em, shall we say, family tensions. Once again, thanks a lot for your generosity and candor. You gave me the impetus necessary to persist in developing a system of my own, while profiting from the SKI. What more can I ask for?
Dick K.
Ski, thanks again. Let me tell you, I never miss your updates. You're the best technical analyst out there.
Paul R.
Sir, Unfortunately, I have only been following your writings religiously, since this past January or so and to my great delight. Your advice is dead-accurate. A couple friends of mine at the plant from which I make my living, have been wondering at what point you are going to expect some form of remuneration for your written words. I am sure there are hundreds of people such as myself and my pals at work who hinge their decisions on your periodic comments (In fact we wait for them with baited breath). We have tried to trade but with little success via Harry Schultz, but you have to be rather seasoned to be significantly successful. The bottom line: Do you, or are you going to want some cash in order for us to remain dedicated readers of your timely and accurate comments. I do not wish to ride your coattails without the right to do so.
Simon G.
Congratulations with the warmest wishes. Your honesty and integrity have been duly rewarded by the events of the last 7 days. I hope you feel duly proud.
Dear Jeff, Just a small note from someone who's been following you long enough to say, "you are probably the best gold timer in the world". You're not perfect; but then who is? Close enough is fine with me.
Stephan from Germany
Hi Jeff, I have been following your commentaries for more than a year now and it is absolutely fascinating to see your index system at work. I really like your commentaries and the way you try to stay in the game by not trying to predict but instead by trying to draw the right conclusions from the market and the index prices moves. All the best and keep up your truly marvelous work!
Steve and Yachiyo
Dear Jeff, You wear your heart on your sleeve and you tell it like it really is. Just to let you know that you are truly amazing and that I do not know anyone quite like you out there in cyberspace. It is obviously not just about money with you - it is Grist for the Mill. That you put it out there on the line week in ,week out is a true testament to your sheer ability- should I perhaps say genius ( this word has been too brandished about ). All I can say is that you quietly refute the notion that there is a quick way to riches via investment `gurus`and the hard miles have to be done by oneself. It is uncanny how the AU stock movements Down Under here mirror your predictions. All the best to you.
Hello Jeffrey. Just to congratulate you and give you the feedback that you somehow seem to find enough time to personally reply to. I have been reading you since June 2002 along with Jim Sinclair, GATA. Ted Butler and The Privateer. In fact I read anything I can related to Economics/Gold/Silver and there are truly some amazing minds out there that the Internet has enabled me to access. Nevertheless if you study anything long enough you can start to separate the wheat from the chaff and by this I mean not necessarily ability but hidden (and sometimes not so hidden ) agenda(s). Of course your work is completely TIME orientated and while I confess to not fully understanding your indices (I will get there ) I have a good memory and you never waiver or hedge. As I wrote to you previously you tell it like it is in full plain view for anyone to see and verify. And frankly speaking almost every financial writer out there who is not fundamentally anti-gold had already shot their load trying to time the next big move up. And then there you go getting it down to THE DAY!!! Absolutely incredible!!! You and your indices have MADE HISTORY!! All the best.
SKI, we luv ya! Keep doin' it! You have truly been the most accurate. I love SKI, & I am trusting you to give the next "sell" signal. (In all fairness, your short term calls aren't always correct, as none of us are).
Jim D.
Jeff, If gold continues to fall, then your buy signal was a head-fake. Your calls are too precise. Something is Wrong. I hope I'm Wrong... I would like to express my deepest appreciation for all the work and efforts that you put into the SKI theory, the letters you write on gold, the emails that you send, the reputation that you put on the line every day, what's going on with your family. I don't think I could find a more down to earth person who tries to impart knowledge to his readers, so that they may profit from their trades. A simple Thank You is not enough - 1,000 Blessings for you and your family.
Bob S.
Dear Mr. Robotski, Thank you for all your work. I looked to see which stocks made up USERX and bought them. I also bought August options (and later) on them. I have mortgaged the house, the farm, the cars, the cat but not the dog or fiancé and gone long. Today is Friday and I haven't looked today but thanks to your advice I am $26,000 richer with Thursday's run up. We all know it is our choice to follow your lead or not. If we wait we can lose, if we act on what you recommend we could also lose, if we do nothing however, we will have nothing. I may be able to pay off the house, the farm, the cars and maybe the cat too and still have enough to retire on when this run is through! Thanks again! We are now naming our first born SKI (or maybe Jeffrey)!!!
Neal G.
Jeff, Gotta hand it to you, even though, literally no one I speak to can understand your system, you have made another great, incredible call.
Robert B.
Jeff, Sorry to bother you but I'm so impressed with your "ski" system that it must have profound implications on determining human behavior. Will you ever tell us more about its implications in other are areas of human behavior.
Cliff B.
Merry Christmas Jeff, It has been a year to remember! Just beginning but amazed by your accuracy.
Barbara K.
Jeff - I am very glad you are not singing (I'm serious) as I don't know if I would buy in that case! Many thanks for your updates and work. It is truly stunning.
Ivan D.
Jeff, Thanks for your magnificent SKI index. It's been one great year!
George F.
Dear Jeff, I just wanted to thank you for all your very special and valuable updates. You always bring such timely wisdom, candor, and insight to this treacherous sector. It's a lot of stress, I'm sure. But your efforts are very appreciated. I'm glad you are there providing your advice to all of us.
Dr. Kern, I have followed you off and on for 7 or 8 years. I first saw your comments on the Kitco forum and then found your updates on 321gold. I would follow your predictions and marvel as time after time they showed an amazing accuracy. I remember your references to the Great Bull Market that was coming as I would periodically read your updates. I had read them sometime in the summer of 2005. The next time I saw them was toward the end of Sept. 2005. I became a bit excited when I read that you were calling the beginning of "The Great Bull". To make a long story short, I opened an account with $5,000 and immediately invested it in USERX when the price was $9.17. That investment is already over worth over $7,000. I am subscribing. Thanks.
Richard D.
I have just joined and I sent you a note thanking you for saving me over $100,000 with your timely sell signal on Tuesday (THANK YOU AGAIN!!). I have spent much of today reading everything that you have written on the site and I want to tell you that I have never been so thoroughly happy to have subscribed to a service. I want to congratulate you on developing such an amazing system (although I can't say I entirely grasp it). By the way I have followed Robert Prechter for some time and his discounting of you for your Dec 2002 buy signal would only have reinforced my confidence in your signal.
At any rate my good feeling comes primarily from my sense of the man behind the accomplishment. You exhibit a wonderful sense of integrity and humanity which is very refreshing and commendable.
Some instinct or intuition caused me to choose your service at a very opportune time and I'm very grateful to the Universe for such guidance but I'm also pleased with the sense I get of the man behind the system.
Terry S.
Here is the latest SKI update. When Jeff says all markets will crash in about two months, based on his calls over the past couple years, I give that a 90% chance of happening. I remember when Jeff/SKI called for a huge bull market in the stock indexes after 9/11/01. I was just an occasional reader then and thought the guy was crazy. I don't any more.
I sold out of FSAGX on Friday on the nice bounce up and am sitting with lots of cash for the SKI buy signal in 5-7 days. This system has been nothing short of astounding. I hope people don't start finding the SKI site and his record because if too many start following it, it won't work. I doubt that will ever happen because unless they have actually followed it for awhile, they wouldn't believe it.
Molly D.
Jeff, I've been following you for a long time and was one of the charter subscribers on your web site. Your performance these past few months has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. You have tremendous respect from some of the savviest traders out there. Love the frequent updates!

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